Event Fundraising and Community Outreach Programs
for Law Enforcement Associations, Civic and Human Services. Exciting Entertainment ~ Guaranteed Profit for Your Organization HOME | Special Events | Sponsors | How it Works | FAQ | The Team Westlake
Events is a successful and legitimate fund raising company. Our main focus
is in providing special event fundraising and community outreach programs
for law enforcement associations, civic and human services. Our mission
in life is to help non-profit organizations and we are licensed and bonded
as required by state law. We also provide to the community, an awareness
of the goals and objectives of the sponsoring organizations.
Westlake Events coordinates and organizes the whole production and fundraising event. We will find the talent, book the venue and raise all the funds for the sponsor. We are responsible for all costs and expenses and provide the sponsor with a guaranteed minimum return, plus a share of profits.
Phone: 213-699-8311, Fax: 877-310-6732 Mark@WestlakeEvents.com Copyright © 2004 * www.WestlakeEvents.com |